"Groundswell Rising" - Film Screening

By Judy Wicks at Beautiful Business (other events)

Monday, May 16 2016 5:30 PM 8:00 PM EDT

Groundswell Rising - Special Film Event

with Mark Lichty, Executive Producer and Tracy Carluccio, Deputy Director; Delaware Riverkeeper Network

Trinity Urban Life Center - 22nd & Spruce Street, Philadelphia, PA

This is a FREE event - please register to reserve your seat/seats.

Groundswell Rising is a powerful documentary film that documents a social movement that sprung forth from a heated debate over fracking and communities being sacrificed for the extraction of another fossil fuel. It's about people taking charge of their communities and not allowing a dangerous industry to move in and harm their ways of life and finding new, healthy energy solutions.
This film explores the moral and ethical issues caused by this harmful and largely unregulated fracking industry.  Groundswell Rising focuses on the people in the fractivist movement.

The film was directed and produced by Renard and Matt Cohen, of Emmy Award winning Resolution Pictures, Mark Lichty, Executive Producer and Dave Walczak, Associate Producer of the film. It was shot on location in Colorado, Pennsylvania, New York, and Washington, DC.

Event Sponsored by:  Philadelphia Brewing Company and Beautiful Business

Networking and refreshments: (Free beer, pretzels, & popcorn) 5:30-6pm and again at 7:30-8pm.

Movie screening: 6pm followed at 7pm with remarks, along with a Q & A discussion.

“Groundswell Rising will get your blood going and your mind racing about how we can pull together to defend our communities from gas drilling and its crushing infrastructure.”  — Tracy Carluccio, Deputy Director, Delaware Riverkeeper Network

“This film should be watched by everyone on the side of industry and those considering leasing their land to the gas companies. Plain and simply, it’s the human side of this debate”. — Mark Ruffalo

Visit for more information

Please note that parking for this venue is limited. Attending via public transportation or taxi is strongly 

Judy Wicks at Beautiful Business